Chapter :-what is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment is gaining experience of the thoughtless state or extreme point.
How we get it is a big question.For touch that thoughtless state there are many ways. Enlightenment is like a kung-fu. We must develop own way to get it. Any one who want to get enlightenment frist learn what is Enlightenment.
Then the way of Enlightenment we discuss latter but at this time I want to explains a new phenomenon of human being. As we know dream is a just trailer of universe.
Orgasm is a thoughtless state for a very short time. orgasm is a reflection that shows how we will feel when we connected that extreme, Just as the dream gives us a momentary feeling of creation of universes, in the same way, the pleasure of orgasm gives us a momentary feeling of meeting the extreme. This gives us so much pleasure. Then imagine how much pleasure in enlightenment. Just as dreams come to everyone, but we have to understand the ways of creating universes from them, similarly we cannot find enlightenment from the pleasure of orgasm, for this, we have to find other ways. Orgasm is the trailer of Enlightenment.
orgasm मे हम विचार शून्य अवस्था मे होते हैं लेकिन यह अवस्था बहुत ही कम समय के लिए होती है बस एक पल के लिए l orgasm एक प्रतिबिम्ब है जिससे पता चलता है हम जब उस extrema से मिलेगे तो कैसा feel होगा जिस प्रकार dream हमे univers के बनने का क्षणिक आभास दिलाता है उसी प्रकार orgasm का सुख Extreme से मिलने का क्षणिक एहसास दिलाता है l जिस प्रकार dream सब को आते हैं परंतु उससे univers के बनने के तरीकों को समझना पड़ता है उसी प्रकार orgasm के सुख से हम Enlightenment को प्राप्त नहीं कर सकते इसके लिए हमें दूसरे रास्ते खोजने पड़ते हैं l
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