
Showing posts from July, 2020


Reborn what is reborn              Reborn is just a transfer from one dream (universe) to another because we want to remain in the universe right now, we have not got complete quietness from this world.             First thing, no one does our reborn, we do it ourselves.              When man's desires are not fulfilled, he does not want to go into the Zero, he wants to stay back in this universe, that is why he comes back to this universe.             We always live in equilibrium with Zero, but due to nothing in the Zero state, we immediately come to the universes because we do not have complete quietness from this universe. Whenever we will have complete quietness, we will immediately become enlighten.             Actually zero and universe are complementary to each other, when the Universe exists, zero does not e...

What is a creature

What is a creature and how does it originate?            As we have said, everything appears from zero, zero means nothing, when nothing appears in something, then the creature is born. The creature is born with zero and then makes +, - according to feel.           What is the goal of the creature?       The ultimate goal of the creature is to find the extreme or zero and for it, he has to find its own path. It is the same as kung-fu. Each one has a different kungfu. To achieve this, first of all, he must have quietness, knowledge, path (order  From), to reach zero.            जीव क्या है और इसकी उत्पत्ति क्यु और कैसे होती है             जैसा हम बता चुके हैं सब कुछ शून्य से प्रगट होता है शून्य मतलब कुछ नही, जब कुछ नही कुछ मे प्रगट होता है तब जीव की उत्पत्ति होती है l जीव शून्य के साथ पैदा होता है और फिर feeling के अनुसार +, - बनाता रह...

Why we get sad? Dukh kya hai?

Why we get sad?  Chapter 8:-  What is sorrow and why we get sad?            Sorrows are caused by happiness, when one seeks happiness, sorrow also becomes ready at the same time as if we make +5 out of zero, - 5 will be also created.  Then it will come to you in any form, it can come in small pieces as well. Even if there is +5 happiness, then - 5 is sad, then you can get – 5 in the form of - 2-2-1.            Therefore, whenever an idea of happiness comes, look at it as a seer and then when that idea will not find any medium, then it will become void with its own sad thoughts, but with us  What happens is that we enjoy the idea of that happiness by mixing it with the good and do it again and again and then sadness will come sometimes.          One must accept happiness and sorrow both with equal intensity or don’t feel anything for both. दुख क्यु होते हैं?  जगत दुख ...


Enlightenment  Chapter :-what is  Enlightenment?                Enlightenment is gaining experience of the thoughtless state or extreme point.                How we get it is a big question.                      For touch that thoughtless state there are many ways. Enlightenment is like a kung-fu. We must develop own way to get it. Any one who want to get enlightenment frist learn what is Enlightenment.                 Then the way of Enlightenment we discuss latter but at this time I want to explains a new phenomenon of human being. As we know dream is a just trailer of universe .                 Orgasm is a thoughtless state for a very short time. orgasm is a reflection that shows how we will feel when we connected that extreme,  Just as ...

Inner peace

 Inner peace       Chapter 5:-  Inner peace           Inner peace is Nothing but being calm in all condition.        How we get inner peace? And who are happy?             Who knows that this universe is a dream, then he does not take the events of the universe seriously because no one takes seriously  the events happening in his dream. So anyone who has the knowledge that this universe is a dream , he will not be distracted by the events happening in this life and he will remain calm.  Inside this universe knowing that this universe is dream is the key of getting inner peace.            अंदरूनी शांति हर परिस्थितियों मे शांत रहने को कहते हैं  हम हर परिस्थितियों मे शांत कैसे रह सकते हैं            जो ये जानता हो कि यह univers एक dream है तो वह इस universe की घटनाओं को seriously नहीं लेता...