What is God

Chapter 1:- Question- Who-what is God

               Who-what is God is the most important question for all the time for human life? Who is God, who creates God, how it works, and how God can do everything? These are big questions around us. Then let us explain it logically.
                  To understand God first, I use a strong logical theory about the universe.

Why we want to get answers, who-what is God:-

              Everything in this universe is mortal, nothing is eternal, one day everything has to be destroyed, then what is eternal, which will never end. What is extreme truth? 

Chapter 2- Universe and Dream 

             First, I want to talk about dreams. What happens when we are in a dream everything is real for us. A dream is a universe created by us. It is operated by us and we are the God of our own universe and in this universe, everything is destroyed after some time. In the dream, everything occurred according to our beliefs.

                What we believe our dream operates according to. There is no end of our dream and there are no boundaries or limits in dreams this is as big as our universe. 
               There is no exact reality or dream, both are interchangeable. We are living in this universe and this is also a dream, we must find the place from where we dream. I called this extreme point SHUNYA (zero) (why I called this SHUNYA (zero) I will describe later).
                Everyone must look for that place Extreme point(SHUNYA)(zero) so that he becomes God of this universe because everyone is the God of there dream, which is also a universe. So long as we are in a dream everything is real for us that’s why we never accept that this universe is also a dream because we are inside of our dream.

Matters and energy : 
               Then if this universe is a dream then what is matter and energy whereby this universe made of. The question is answered that when we are in the dream there is also matter and energy until we do not wake up. as long as we are in the dream everything is real all look matter and energy but after waking up everything is gone. So matter and energy which looks real are not real, it is illusion because matter and energy inside our dream which is created by our brain are not real but as long as we are in the dream it looks real when we wake up everything is finished.
             In the dream everything is destroyable and in the real universe, everything is also destroyed. Nothing is ultimate.
           So this universe is nothing but a dream from somewhere. To control this dream, we must search and reach that extreme that I called (shunya). When we are there, we can control this universe and everything.  Can we do it and how it can be done? Is there any other alternative method to control it?

Dream is the just trailer of the creation of the universe.

we never find the end of universe because it is not real. It does not exist because it is a type of dream.

Chapter 3-Power of belief  

             Let someone believe one day he becomes rich then he will dream as a rich man. 

            As we know, what we believe in our daily life, happens in our dream, that’s why what we believe in the extreme, happens in this universe. So this is a play of only belief. What we believe happens in this world. This also explains the law of attraction. 

Explanation of THE LAW OF ATTRACTION:-
           You must read about the law of attraction, if not, please go and read. The Law of attraction works on belief, how much we believe, who we are we will become that person.

Chapter 4- God
             But I started to explain God, so let's explain.
             As we know from theory, all is the game of belief system, what we believe outside of dream happens in the dream so if we find the extreme(shunya), who is outside of this universe, and we believe anything there, it happens in this universe.
           God is nothing but a system of creating belief. We don’t know about extreme (shunya) present outside of the universe, it is not easy to understand extreme (shunya) . How can we be there, and believe there, so that it happens in this universe? For that, we have an alternative. 

            God!! God is nothing but a system of creating belief.
            We assume that God can do anything so if we devote to the god then God can do things for us. So we worship God for achieving anything we want or overcome any problem. We worship God to strengthen our belief so that those things happen that we want. 
           If we believe 100% on God or 100% on our own self everything happens in the universe. 
            Believing own self 100% or believing 100% on God is the key to success. 

           Remember that God is inside of you, outside is a dream.


Chapter 5:-  Explanation of Extreme point as zero, SHUNYA .

               Now the question is what is an extreme point. The extreme point is thoughtless state. We know that this universe is created by thoughts. When there is no thought there is no universe. And when there is nothing, extreme point or zero exists. 

Can impossible is possible in this universe?

                 Yes, then how, if impossible things happen in the dream then why not in this universe, because this universe is also is a dream. What we believe in our daily life is happen in our dream. we never serious about our dream.  Whatever happens in dreams we never take it seriously. Then if this universe is a dream and we should not take it seriously. 

Chapter   :-   What is inner peace and happiness, how we get it?

Chapter 6:-  What is Enlightenment and how we get it?

Chapter 7:-   Sex orgasm explained.

Chapter 8:-  What is sorrow and why we get sad?

Chapter :- What is a creature? And what is his ultimate aim? 

Chapter 9:-  What is right and wrong and how we decide it?

Chapter 10:-  Explanation of reborn.

Chapter    :-  Deja vo and mith of time. 

Chapter 11:-  Concept of time machine.

Chapter 12:-  Explanation of ghosts. 

Chapter 13:-  Spiritual health 

Chapter 14:-  Meditation for spiritual health and Enlightenment 

Chapter 15:-  Food for spiritual health 

Chapter 16:-  Explanation of tantra (तंत्र

Chapter 17:-  Explanation of sidhi(सिद्धियां)
                                         To be continued..... 

I have answer of all questions above but due to time and language restrictions, I can not write all, I will write all answers soon. 

For more spiritual discussion and knowledge please comment or contact me

  I are committed to answer every question.


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